Saturday, August 28, 2010

UCA Ambassador!!!

I had Ambassador training today and it was pretty fun! I can see right now that my schedule is going to get hectic very quickly. All Ambassadors have to help with Bear Facts Day (college day) and do 5 additional tours every semester. I’m really excited to show prospective students how great UCA is and just how they belong here.

RSO Fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so RSO stands for Registered Student Organization and we had a fair today!!! It was very nice outside for once thank God, because I had to be out there. It was good though to see the freshmen trying to be active and having fun. I was at NABMU’s table, that’s the National Association of Black Men United. I love it when girls would ask me if they could be a part of it or if this was a men’s organization. I just smile and begin my brief speech of how women should want to help our black men graduate. I also explain that behind every man is a good woman and that this does not necessarily mean in a relationship. I mean I stand behind most of the men in the organization and they’re like brothers to me.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day Back...and I got sick.

 Damn. My room was too cold and then I was out all day in the heat helping the freshmen move-in. I drank some water but I guess it wasn’t enough and I didn’t eat much.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Tomorrow is Move-In Day at UCA. I’m going to show the freshmen what it means to have school-spirit. ^_^
With my bear claws and claw scratch, Hehe :) Those freshmen won’t know what hit them!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pic taken with the Nikon D40…the camera I want…picture not taken by me.  I think the pic is very fitting for today, since it’s my birthday and I’m a leo, haha

Dance! Dance!

Ok so I’ve got the rest of this week left at home before I go to school and I’m super excited! The one reason I’m excited right at this moment is because I plan on taking ballet classes. I’ve figured out what studio I’m going to, the rates, and cost for a cab until I get my car. I can’t wait for the school year!

Calm before the Storm

I’m not usually a cryptic person, but my life is smooth sailing right now and everything is just awesome and blessed. I just wonder if this is the calm before the storm and will I be ready when/if it comes.
The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called failure, a loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends, red lights called enemies, and caution lights called family. You will have flats called jobs. But if you have a spare called determination, an engine called perseverance, insurance called faith, and a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called success.
I'm learning to braid my's not an easy process but I'll master it one of these days.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sometimes, you know it was only by God's grace...

When so many blessing come your way and life is really good to you, sometimes we forget to say thanks to the one who made it possible. I’ve already given him my thanks, but let me share why I feel so blessed.
1.) I’m alive and well. I had a car accident two weeks ago and came out without a scratch.
2.) He allowed me to have two jobs this summer and pass my summer chemistry class (science class and I don’t get along).
3.) I got a $5,000 scholarship.
4.) Someone is buying my Canon SX10 from me so now I can get my Nikon D40.
5.) I needed a dentist appointment before I go back to school. The receptionist said they could fit me in my last day in town.
What has God done for you lately?