Sunday, August 23, 2009

Where Is Your Self Located?

Ok, so the first day of Honors class, the director takes charge of the lecture. He poses the question, "Where is your self located?" and asks us to right a small journal entry for our answer.

This is what I wrote:
My self is located within my mind and soul. She is a separate part from my body. She is how I am different from everyone else, throught my personal beliefs, my deep dark secrets, and my perseptions of the world around me. We might not be certain of the details of those three categories but that is where exploring, discovering, and disection my self will come into play.

Then the discussion begins (the following are my notes on what other students said and might not be direct quotes):
  • Self is located here in a metaphyscial sense. It is located through time based on experiences and influences.
  • One's self is located everywhere. Their are pieces of our selfs everywhere because we influencing the people, things, and environment around us.
  • The effected/ movtivated part of our experiences is what changes the self.
  • The self is located in the brain. One cannot ignore the personality changes of one's self if the brain is damaged (i.e. stroke)

What are your thoughts on the location of a person's self?

1 comment:

  1. I love what you wrote in responce to your teachers question.. it had a poetic sense to it
