Sunday, June 13, 2010


This weekend has been a little rough for me. Friday was my nephew's graduation from pre-K although he's not 5 yet. You see he, and my sister are moving back to Las Vegas This weekend so his teachers let him graduate with the other kids and he will be in Kindergarden this fall in Las Vegas. I'm so proud of him. Gina (my sister) and Kamari (my nephew) have been here in Pine Bluff for about a year and a half. When they first got here, Kamari didn't really speak to anyone beside Gina and maybe me. He didn't want to hug or go to anyone he wasn't normally exposed to but now he wants to hug strangers in Wal-Mart and he talks to anyone who will listen. Lol, his SLP reported that he was 65% understandable to the careful listener and when he asked him to do something he said, "Wait!" Lol, she was so tickled.

Besides that, on Saturday I helped Gina and Allen (Gina's fiance) pack lup the car and clean the apartment out so they could get on the road. At first when we all woke up, I was fine. I had that job mentality: what's next?, what do I need to do?, is everything done? But as objectives were checked off and the apartment bacame more and more empty, I realized that my sister was leaving and that it would be a long while before we would see each other again.

We went to our parent's house to them to say goodbye. I just sat there and watched because I couldn't talk. I'm the kind of person that will cry over something stupid or when I think I'm disappointing my dad, but when it comes to serious things, I only shed a tear or two and my throat is choked up. We still had one more stop. Gina had to show me where the storage shed was so that I could put some of the stuff from the apartment in it. We got there and Allen helped me unload the Caddy. We joked that dad could do another yard sale just from all the stuff that was piled in storage. Time wound down and I knew I had to saw goodbye. I hugged Kamari, asked him if he'd be a good boy which he nodded yes too as he does to every question lol I knew he didn't realize what was going on. I gave him a kiss and told him I'd miss him. Then I hugged Gina and we didn't let go for awhile. That's when my three tears rolled down my face. I felt Gina suck in a breath to steady herself and that made another tear roll down. She looked up at me and said, "I going to miss you, I won't miss Arkansas, but I'ma miss you baby girl." I said, "I don't anyone would miss Arkansas. I'ma miss you too, Buster. Show how Sears is really ran, uh?" She smiled and nodded. We hugged again. I hugged Allen and he said, " Now you know, if anyone (meaning boys lol) messes with you, called me. You've got our numbers right?" I rolled my eyes, duh. He continues, "I'm serious, you don't want me to have to come down here unanounced. People will actually believe you then when you say you're family is crazy." I laughed. I knew I could count on Allen for anything, just like I could with Gina. We got in our own cars and drove in different directions.

They were heading to Texas first to see Allen's parents and mine and Gina's mom. They called later that night to let me know they got in ok. I knew even before she left that our relationship would never change. I never does, it just continues to grow. no matter the distance between us we are best friends, advisors, confidants, text partners when the other is bored, gossipers--sisters. And that will never change.

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