Monday, May 24, 2010

Messy Hair

Day Four: Messy Hair

I really wanted to do the rocking red lip stick challenge but I forgot to ask my mom for her!

I'm attempting to do stay awake all night and sleep on the bus to Knoxville. We'll see how that goes.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I DO DI!!!!

Globals is this week!!!!! I'm am so excited because this year I am DI Alumni and I get to appraise. HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT!!???? My bestie KC is coming as well. He's an announcer. PLUS...all three of the Scoggins-May-Hall teams are going to Globals. SWEET!!

P.S. DI Globals is a tournament for  Destination ImagiNation Inc. Some people remember it as Oddessy of the Mind. "Destination ImagiNation (DI) is an exhilarating after-school activity in which students work in teams to solve mind-bending Challenges and present their solutions at Tournaments."

VOLUNTEER!!! It's so much fun.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lazy Saturday

I can't remember the last time I had a real laid back Saturday. Ok, I lied. But they seem so far and few in between that one comes up, I really treasure it. Saturdays are usually a busy but fun or hectic day. It's either filled with errands to complete that couldn't be done during the week or hanging out with friends and loved ones who have the day off. This Saturday, I was supposed to be helping my sister, Gina, with a yard sale, because she's moving back to Las Vegas in 21 days. The sale was to be at my house (my parent's house) at 7am, so I expected Gina to call me since I had the car. Alas, I didn't wake up until about 10am when she called trying to go to the store. I got the story later that the yard sale had been postponed until the 5th. Oh, lord. So we run minor errands, hit up Wal-Mart, and head back to her place. We do nothing but read and sleep the rest of the day. :)

On another note, I think I might try to do one of those 365 day projects. I'm good at sticking to them but we'll see. I started yesterday so here is yesterday and today's pictures.I mix it up with the 100 stranger project. IDK yet.

       Day One                                    Day Two

Thursday, May 20, 2010


i cant stay sleep pass 11 but
the night before i went to LR for the poetry slam i told you about
and then went to ualr where one of my friends stays (i almost went to ualr)
and i was getting uberly tired because i had to drive back to the bluff
but thankfully i wasn't tired once i hit the road
nor was i tired when i finally got home
and i saw you were online so well
you know how that story went
so back to the next day

me-picking up my sis at 2
waking up at 1:20
i still had to shower
and drop by her house to get her laundry
ok so i get her and we head to the laundry mat
but we cant do anything
but my dumbass left the quarters at her apartment
so we go to wendys on the way to her place
i get a 99 cent frosty

that i didn't realize SHRUNCK
to the size of one of those barrel juices
my sis was rolling
she said
i looked at the cup
i looked at the man in the window
i looked at the cup
i looked at the man in the window
and took the cup
then i was pissed cuz i didn't get a straw
i don't eat frostys with a spoon
i don't
so we get to her apartment and i go in to the quarters but i forget her flip flops
so i go back in
ok so now we are going back to the mat
and i'm sucking the frosty
through the plastic lid

i'm driving and squeezing the small cup
and you know wendys frostys are not all the way frosty
so some of it leaks out
and on to my shirt
my sister is rolling and i don't know why
because i cant feel it
but then i look down
and see a nice thick chocolate trail down my shirt

i think there was another funny that day but i cant remember it now

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hectic Fun

Today started off similar to any other day this summer thus far. I woke up early to take my sister and nephew to work and school respectively and went back home to hop under my still warm covers. Normally, I try to wake up around 10am, but today I didn't crawl out of bed until 12:30pm. Normally, I take a shower at night because I dislike the idea of getting in bed dirty, but today I took a shower when I woke up because that action was nonexistent last night. Normally, I pick my sister up from work around 2 pm, and today...well, I did the normal and arrived at Sears at 2pm where she was waiting for me.

This is where my day started to get kind of hectic. Now, I already knew I wanted to go to a Poetry Slam in Little Rock with my bestie Christine. However, as the day went along this is what happened. Pete asked me if I wanted to go to Chili's with his girlfriend, Michelle, so I could meet her and then we'd all go to the Poetry Slam. Ok, cool. Now to ask the parents if all of this is ok. Damn...I forgot to wash the dishes, but mama still let me go (really though, I cleaned the kitchen last yesterday, so there couldn't have been to many dishes in the sink because no one was home yet).

When it came down to it, Christine couldn't bring us back to Pine Bluff, therefore she couldn't come get us. So Pete let me drive his car and Christine paid for gas. Ok, cool, no problem. We meet Christine at her apartment and headed for Big Whiskey's where the Slam is being held.

                    MC: Osiris 
                      MoeMan                                 Crisis
TJ and Christine                           Pete and Michelle

The Slam was awesome. Turned out it was a two night event and this was night number two. I already knew a couple of the poets: MoeMan, Crisis, TJ, and Apollo. I was sad that I missed TJ performing his poem "Dipping in the Chocolate" it's one of my faves. Congrats to Apollo who was one of the top three winners! The night was super fun and I was tired but I still had to drive back home. Not Cool! Surprisingly and thankfully, when I actually got on the road, I wasn't the bit least tired and safely carried everyone home.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Finding My Niche

I have a Facebook, like most people do, and as I was browsing my News Feed. I happened upon and interesting picture. I love looking at other photographer's work because it inspires me. So as I'm creeping on this person album, I happen to notice other really good pictures. I noticed that this person wasn't my friend, so I added them. After he accepted I started a chat convo with him. My new friend and I talked for probably 5 hours. He's decided to start a blog as well and as the conversation went on, he helped me to find a focus for my blog. I've decided to changed the name from Exploration to Finding My Niche.

I have all these different passions all dealing with the arts in some sort of way. I love theater, drawing, and music. However, during high school playing music in the band just...well, I fell out of love with it. I actually want to sell my clarinet, but I haven't convinced my parents of it yet. Because of all the extra activities I did in high school, I didn't have time to just sit down and draw like I used to. The only drawing I did was through the Art Club-making banners, posters, entering contests, etc. Senior year I didn't do much acting because I was trying to make sure events went smoothly, grades stayed up, and getting into college. The only thing I did was help direct my friend's black history program at his church.

In college, I saw all kinds of posters up for students who needed people to perform in their plays for the theater department. Every time I saw one, I wished I could audition, but I couldn't. I was afraid that I wouldn't study like I needed. Also I was spending a lot of time with a new found passion: dance. I am part of dance organization on campus and we perform at many programs. I really want to learn dance though, such as, ballet (I know it's hard work), jazz, tap, contemporary, all of it. I just want to learn. Unfortunately, no one in Pine Bluff will give instruction for 18 year olds. ~Sigh~ Sometimes it's hard being legal.

For now, I'll just have to stick with the passion I've had since I was like 7: photography.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Too Much In One Day

Throughout freshman year of college, my high school friends and I tried to meet up with each just to hang out. However, with most of us attending different colleges...well, it can be hard to get everyone together. Now that we're all home for the summer (well for awhile anyway), we finally got a chance to get the whole gang together.

We really didn't know how we were going to spend the day. Ha, we had a 3-way phone convo at about 10am trying to figure out who was going to ride with who and pick up who, and where we were going to go. We finally decided on Subway. I don't know why I didn't take pictures there :(

After Subway, some of us had errands to run. I didn't have my car and my dad called me. He had me go pick up rent, food, my nephew, and drop everything off while I was in KC's car. As you can see, we had to stop for gas.

Poor Daryl had a long night and day and still had prom to attend. He rested his eyes and just rode while KC and ran errands. It was SOOO hot though! Even with the windows rolled down.

Pete was the other main driver. He had Jimmy and Hos in his car. He was going to get his tux for the prom.

After everyone was done running errands, we met up at the Delta Nature Trail in Regional Park. Before you go into the building, there's a bridge to cross. This fella lives in the pond that we crossed.

The rest of the pictures are of various wild and domesticated animals at the Delta.

Well except for these guys, of course. These are pictures of my friends while on the trail.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Inspiration and Motivation

After a full year of Honors, I've figured out that while a lot of the philosophies we discuss are interesting and make me think, I don't ponder on them any longer than I have to. Not enough to blog about anyway. Now, I'm trying to think of something else to blog about. I happened to read some posts by a blogger I'm following who said he started blogging with no focus and later found a subject to blog about. Even though I don't have something to share with the world right now, I'm sure I'll be inspired or motivated by something that will have me typing again ;)