Thursday, May 20, 2010


i cant stay sleep pass 11 but
the night before i went to LR for the poetry slam i told you about
and then went to ualr where one of my friends stays (i almost went to ualr)
and i was getting uberly tired because i had to drive back to the bluff
but thankfully i wasn't tired once i hit the road
nor was i tired when i finally got home
and i saw you were online so well
you know how that story went
so back to the next day

me-picking up my sis at 2
waking up at 1:20
i still had to shower
and drop by her house to get her laundry
ok so i get her and we head to the laundry mat
but we cant do anything
but my dumbass left the quarters at her apartment
so we go to wendys on the way to her place
i get a 99 cent frosty

that i didn't realize SHRUNCK
to the size of one of those barrel juices
my sis was rolling
she said
i looked at the cup
i looked at the man in the window
i looked at the cup
i looked at the man in the window
and took the cup
then i was pissed cuz i didn't get a straw
i don't eat frostys with a spoon
i don't
so we get to her apartment and i go in to the quarters but i forget her flip flops
so i go back in
ok so now we are going back to the mat
and i'm sucking the frosty
through the plastic lid

i'm driving and squeezing the small cup
and you know wendys frostys are not all the way frosty
so some of it leaks out
and on to my shirt
my sister is rolling and i don't know why
because i cant feel it
but then i look down
and see a nice thick chocolate trail down my shirt

i think there was another funny that day but i cant remember it now

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