Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lazy Saturday

I can't remember the last time I had a real laid back Saturday. Ok, I lied. But they seem so far and few in between that one comes up, I really treasure it. Saturdays are usually a busy but fun or hectic day. It's either filled with errands to complete that couldn't be done during the week or hanging out with friends and loved ones who have the day off. This Saturday, I was supposed to be helping my sister, Gina, with a yard sale, because she's moving back to Las Vegas in 21 days. The sale was to be at my house (my parent's house) at 7am, so I expected Gina to call me since I had the car. Alas, I didn't wake up until about 10am when she called trying to go to the store. I got the story later that the yard sale had been postponed until the 5th. Oh, lord. So we run minor errands, hit up Wal-Mart, and head back to her place. We do nothing but read and sleep the rest of the day. :)

On another note, I think I might try to do one of those 365 day projects. I'm good at sticking to them but we'll see. I started yesterday so here is yesterday and today's pictures.I mix it up with the 100 stranger project. IDK yet.

       Day One                                    Day Two

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