Saturday, May 15, 2010

Too Much In One Day

Throughout freshman year of college, my high school friends and I tried to meet up with each just to hang out. However, with most of us attending different colleges...well, it can be hard to get everyone together. Now that we're all home for the summer (well for awhile anyway), we finally got a chance to get the whole gang together.

We really didn't know how we were going to spend the day. Ha, we had a 3-way phone convo at about 10am trying to figure out who was going to ride with who and pick up who, and where we were going to go. We finally decided on Subway. I don't know why I didn't take pictures there :(

After Subway, some of us had errands to run. I didn't have my car and my dad called me. He had me go pick up rent, food, my nephew, and drop everything off while I was in KC's car. As you can see, we had to stop for gas.

Poor Daryl had a long night and day and still had prom to attend. He rested his eyes and just rode while KC and ran errands. It was SOOO hot though! Even with the windows rolled down.

Pete was the other main driver. He had Jimmy and Hos in his car. He was going to get his tux for the prom.

After everyone was done running errands, we met up at the Delta Nature Trail in Regional Park. Before you go into the building, there's a bridge to cross. This fella lives in the pond that we crossed.

The rest of the pictures are of various wild and domesticated animals at the Delta.

Well except for these guys, of course. These are pictures of my friends while on the trail.

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